Date Location Time
1st The Office 8pm-12
2nd Desert Bar 11:30-4:30pm
3rd Desert Bar 11:30-4:30pm
6th BJ's Cabana Bar 5-9pm
8th Foundry 6-9pm
9th Foundry 6-9pm
10th BJ's Cabana Bar 2-6pm
13th Flying X Saloon 6:30-10:30pm
14th Flying X Saloon 6:30-10:30pm
15th Fox's 7pm-11
16th Fox's 12-5pm
17th Fox's 11-4pm
20th BJ's Cabana Bar 5-9pm
22nd Foundry 6-9pm
23rd Foundry 6-9pm
24th BJ's Cabana Bar 2-6pm
29th Sand Bar 7:30-11:30pm
30th Sand Bar 7:30-11:30pm
Date Location Time
6th The Office 8pm-12
7th Fox's 1-6pm
8th Fox's 11-4pm
13th Elks Lodge 7-10pm
14th Elks Lodge 7-10pm
15th Bunker Bar 12-5pm
18th Flying X Saloon 6:30-10:30pm
19th Flying X Saloon 6:30-10:30pm
20th Lake Havasu Golf Club 5-8pm
Date Location Time
3rd Quartzite Yacht Club 6-10pm
4th Quartzite Yacht Club 6-10pm
8th BJ's Cabana Bar 5-9pm
9th Balloon Festival 3-6pm
10th Hangar 24 5:30-8:30pm
11th Fox's 1-6pm
12th Fox's 11-4pm
15th BJ's Cabana Bar 5-9pm
19th BJ's Cabana Bar 2-6pm
23rd Beachcomber 6:30-9:30pm
24th Quartzite Yacht Club 6-10pm
25th Quartzite Yacht Club 6-10pm
29th Flying X Saloon 6:30-10:30pm
30th Flying X Saloon 6:30-10:30pm
31st Hangar 24 5:30-8:30pm
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